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Evolve Option

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    Our Evolve medical aid option is for digitally savvy individuals looking for affordable hospital cover and virtual GP visits, with the ability to manage their membership from their device in the comfort of their homes.

    Covers hospitalisation from the Evolve Network of private hospitals (no overall annual limit) with 2 virtual doctors’ consultations.

    • Hospitalisation from the Evolve
    • Network of private hospitals.
      Access to 2 virtual consultations per beneficiary per year from the GP
    • Virtual Consultation Network, which includes Hello Doctor.
    • Preventative care with early detection tests.

    Evolve Option

    From R1687 P/M

    Terms and Conditions Apply

    Evolve Option

    From R1424 P/M

    Terms and Conditions Apply

    Our Evolve medical aid option is for digitally savvy individuals looking for affordable hospital cover and virtual GP visits, with the ability to manage their membership from their device in the comfort of their homes.

    Covers hospitalisation from the Evolve Network of private hospitals (no overall annual limit) with 2 virtual doctors’ consultations.

    • Hospitalisation from the Evolve
    • Network of private hospitals.
      Access to 2 virtual consultations per beneficiary per year from the GP
    • Virtual Consultation Network, which includes Hello Doctor.
    • Preventative care with early detection tests.

    In-hospital Benefits

    You will have a co-payment of R1 830 per authorisation, except for motor vehicle accidents, maternity confinements and emergency treatment. This co-payment applies even in the case of Prescribed Minimum Benefits, excluding emergencies If you do not use Evolve Network hospitals, you will have a co-payment of 30% on the hospital account An additional co-payment may also apply per authorisation for specialised scans and certain specialised procedures/treatment

    Hospital Choice

    Evolve Network hospitals. Certain procedures are only covered in day facilities (view a list of these procedures on page 22). If you do not use a day facility, you will have a co-payment of 30% on the hospital account


    Associated specialists covered in full
    Other specialists covered up to 100% of the Momentum Medical Scheme Rate
    R200 000 per beneficiary per year, thereafter a 20% co-payment applies. Momentum Medical Scheme reference pricing may apply to chemotherapy and adjuvant medication. You need to get your oncology treatment and medication from the Evolve Network of oncologists
    Organ transplants
    Limited to Prescribed Minimum Benefits at State facilities
    MRI and CT scans, magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography (MRCP), whole body radioisotope and PET scans (in- and out-of-hospital)
    No annual limit applies, subject to a co-payment of R3 050 per scan and pre-authorisation
    Mental health
    – including psychiatry and psychology
    – drug and alcohol rehabilitation
    Limited to Prescribed Minimum Benefits
    Trauma benefit
    Covers certain day-to-day claims that form part of the recovery following specific traumatic events, such as near drowning, poisoning, severe allergic reaction and external and internal head injuries. Appropriate treatment related to the event is covered as per authorisation
    Take-home medication
    7 days’ supply

    Specialised Procedures/Treatment

    Certain specialised procedures/treatment covered, when clinically
    appropriate, in- or out-of-hospita

    Prescribed Minimum Benefits

    (PMB) is a set of defined benefits to ensure that all medical scheme members have access to certain minimum health services, regardless of the benefit option they have selected. The aim is to provide members with continuous care to improve their health and well-being and to make healthcare more affordable.

    Chronic Benefits

    This benefit takes care of certain life-threatening conditions, such as diabetes and heart disease, that need ongoing treatment.




    26 conditions, according to the Chronic Disease List in the Prescribed Minimum Benefits

    Prescribed Minimum Benefits

    (PMB) is a set of defined benefits to ensure that all medical scheme members have access to certain minimum health services, regardless of the benefit option they have selected. The aim is to provide members with continuous care to improve their health and well-being and to make healthcare more affordable.


    If you would like cover for day-to-day expenses, you can make use of the Momentum HealthSaver+


    You can add HealthSaver+ to supplement your day-to-day benefits.


    GP Visits

    • 2 virtual consultations per beneficiary per year from the GP Virtual Consultation Network, which includes Hello Doctor. Consultations include scripting of medication where required. Medication is subject to HealthSaver+, if available.
    • If you need cover for other day-to-day expenses, like additional GP visits or prescribed medicine, you can choose
      to make use of the HealthSaver.

    + You may choose to make use of additional products available from Momentum Metropolitan Holdings Limited (Momentum), to seamlessly enhance your medical aid. Momentum is not a medical scheme and is a separate entity to Momentum Medical Scheme.

    The complementary products are not medical scheme benefits. You may be a member of Momentum Medical Scheme without taking any of the complementary products.

    Health Platform Benefits

    A unique benefit that encourages health awareness, enhances quality of life and gives peace of mind through preventative
    care and early detection tests.

    Network Provider

    Available from: any provider.


    Preventative care includes:
    Baby immunisations

    Flu vaccines

    Tetanus diphtheria injection

    Pneumococcal vaccine

    Early detection tests include:
    Dental consultation (including sterile tray and gloves)

    Pap smear consultation (nurse, GP or gynaecologist)

    Pap smear (pathologist)
    – Standard or LBC (Liquid Based Cytology) or – HPV PCR screening test (If result indicates high risk, then a follow-up LBC is also covered)

    Mammogram DEXA bone density scan (radiologist, GP or specialist)

    General physical examination (GP consultation)

    Prostate specific antigen (pathologist)

    Health assessment available at Dis-Chem, Clicks or MediRite pharmacy clinics: blood pressure test, cholesterol and blood sugar (finger prick tests), height, weight and waist circumference measurements

    Cholesterol test (pathologist)*

    Blood sugar test (pathologist)**

    Glaucoma test HIV test (pathologist)

    Maternity programme
    Doula benefit (your gynaecologist must be an Associated Specialist)

    Antenatal visits (Midwives, GP or gynaecologist)

    Nurse home visits

    Pathology tests: Blood group, full blood count, Rhesus factor, creatinine, glucose strip, haemoglobin estimation


    Urine tests (microscopic exams, antibiotic susceptibility and culture)

    Urine tests (dipstick) Scans

    Paediatrician visits

    Health line
    24-hour emergency health advice.

    For more information on this option, download the relevant document below.

    See Our Medical Aid Options

    Ingwe Option

    From R541 P/M

    It’s an affordable, entry-level medical aid plan, but you can still enjoy hospital cover, day-to-day and chronic illness benefits when you use the network providers.

    Terms and Conditions Apply

    Custom Option

    From R2149 P/M

    The Custom Option is the medical aid plan to choose if you are looking for an affordable hospital plan with customisable savings through HealthSaver+ and free preventative screening benefits.

    Terms and Conditions Apply

    Your journey to quality healthcare starts here.

    Health Insurance

    Health4Me Bronze

    Health4Me Silver

    Health4Me Gold

    Gap Cover

    Gap Core

    Gap Max


    About Bloom

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    Contact Us

    Momentum Health4Me is not a medical scheme product, and is not a substitute for medical scheme membership. The information provided on this website does not constitute advice in terms of the Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services Act. Momentum is a division of Momentum Metropolitan Life Limited, an authorised financial services provider (FSP 6406) and a wholly owned subsidiary of Momentum Metropolitan Holdings Limited.

    Bloom Gap Cover is not a medical Scheme. Products that are offered are not the same as that of a medical scheme.

    © Bloom Financial Services 2023. Bloom Financial Services (Pty) Ltd is an authorised financial services provider (FSP 50140). Bloom Gap is underwritten by Infiniti Insurance Limited a licensed non-life insurer and an authorised financial services provider (FSP No.35914)

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