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Bloom Gap Options

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    Gap Options Benefits

    Bloom Gap cover is a way to ensure that you’re covered for medical expense shortfalls. Gap cover works in conjunction with your medical aid to provide you with better financial support when you need it.

    We’ve partnered with Cinagi to offer our members affordable gap healthcare solutions for the South African market. There are two gap category plans available and each plan provides a wide range of benefits.


    Gap Core Gap Max
    A quick comparison of our Gap Cover benefits
    Tariff Shortfalls
    Overall Annual Limit (OAL) for Gap Cover Benefits R198,660 pppa R198,660 pppa
    We cover medical specialists for treatment or surgery provided in hospital We cover medical oncologists
    for treatment provided in or out of hospital
    Benefit Enhancement up to 500% Benefit Enhancement up to 600%
    We cover medical specialists for out-patient procedures that would attract a co-payment if performed in
    Subject to OAL Subject to OAL
    We cover gynaecologist or GP consultations during the 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy R425 per consult
    R1,700 per pregnancy
    R650 per consult
    R2,600 per pregnancy
    Oncology Co-Payments
    We cover the 20% co-payment applied after reaching the oncology threshold Subject to OAL Subject to OAL
    We cover the 25% and 50% co-payments applied to approved precision medicines R13,500 per claim Subject to OAL R16,500 per claim Subject to OAL
    If your medical scheme approves ex-gratia benefits for oncology medicines, we will provide additional
    cover for your portion of the costs
    R13,500 per claim
    Subject to OAL
    R16,500 per claim
    Subject to OAL
    Upfront Payments
    We cover fixed rand value upfront payments for MRI/CT/PET scans, in-hospital endoscopes, in-hospital
    basic dentistry and defined medical procedures
    Subject to OAL Subject to OAL
    We cover other upfront payments (including robotic surgery) R15,000 per event R24,000 per event
    We cover upfront payments for voluntary use of non-network hospital/day clinic R13,000 per event max 1 pa R19,000 per event max 2 pa
    Limit Extender
    We cover shortfalls when a sub-limit applies to internal prosthetic devices R46,000 per event R68,000 per event
    We cover shortfalls when a sub-limit applies to MRI/CT/PET scans, endoscopes and intra-ocular lenses R6,200 per event R7,500 per event
    Gap Core Gap Max
    Extender Cover
    Casualty Cover
    Cover for emergency treatment at a casualty facility resulting from an accident R14,000 per event | max 2 pa R18,000 per event | max 2 pa
    If the accident was a sports injury, we will also cover shortfalls on rehabilitation consultations R500 per consult | max 6 pe R720 per consult | max 6 pe
    Travel Cover
    Cover for the excess on your international travel insurance for medical emergencies R2,600 per departure R3,600 per departure
    Cancer Diagnosis
    For a first lifetime cancer diagnosis made after inception of the policy and waiting periods. R40,000 Lump Sum R50,000 Lump Sum
    If after diagnosis you upgrade your medical scheme benefit option at the first upgrade opportunity, we
    will provide a waiver for the additional contributions *
    R4,400 pm for 12 Months R4,400 pm for 12 Months
    Extra Cover
    For an admission resulting from an accident and where the admission is 3 days or longer Daily Lump Sum
    Payable: Tier 1 pays from day 1 to 7 and Tier 2 pays
    from day 8 to 28

    Tier 1 = R110 per day

    Tier 2 = R1,100 per day

    Tier 1 = R170 per day

    Tier 2 = R1,700 per day

    For a premature Birth that is 42 Days or more earlier
    than the expected due date
    R16,000 per event R22,000 per event
    Accident Cover
    In the event of accidental death or permanent disability caused by an accident R28,000 per event R34,000 per event
    If the event was a direct result of a proven crime, an additional benefit is payable R28,000 per event R34,000 per event
    Waiver Cover
    In the event of accidental death or permanent disability
    of the principal member or spouse, we will cover the
    cost of the medical scheme contributions and gap
    cover premiums
    R5,800 pm – medical aid 100% on policy R8,000 pm – medical aid 100% on policy

    In partnership with Cinagi

    By joining forces with Cinagi, Bloom Financial Services strengthens its ability to meet the healthcare and insurance needs of our valued customers. Together, we will distribute a range of high-quality, relevant, and fairly-priced products to as many South Africans as possible. With our shared values of honesty, integrity, hard work, fairness, and customer-centricity, we are a perfect match to deliver exceptional healthcare solutions to the South African market.

    We are thrilled to have Cinagi as our partner in this journey. With their expertise and our unwavering commitment to our customers, we are poised to become market leaders in the healthcare industry.

    Experience the power of our partnership for quality healthcare. Contact us today to explore the wide range of products and services we offer. Together, let’s unlock a healthier future for South Africa.

    Your journey to quality healthcare starts here.

    Health Insurance

    Health4Me Bronze

    Health4Me Silver

    Health4Me Gold

    Gap Cover

    Gap Core

    Gap Max


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    Momentum Health4Me is not a medical scheme product, and is not a substitute for medical scheme membership. The information provided on this website does not constitute advice in terms of the Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services Act. Momentum is a division of Momentum Metropolitan Life Limited, an authorised financial services provider (FSP 6406) and a wholly owned subsidiary of Momentum Metropolitan Holdings Limited.

    Bloom Gap Cover is not a medical Scheme. Products that are offered are not the same as that of a medical scheme.

    © Bloom Financial Services 2023. Bloom Financial Services (Pty) Ltd is an authorised financial services provider (FSP 50140). Bloom Gap is underwritten by Infiniti Insurance Limited a licensed non-life insurer and an authorised financial services provider (FSP No.35914)

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